Our Animal Therapy Zone houses a diverse number of animals including a donkey, pygmy goats, dorper sheep and rabbits. The care of animals has long been known for its therapeutic benefits, providing important opportunities for our Life Skills and Environmental Education Programme participants to work on their individual goals.
The friendly animals at the Animal Zone have provided enjoyable, entertaining experiences for thousands of individuals and help WindReach to fulfill its mission by providing invaluable opportunities for education and therapy.
The Animal Therapy Zone also provides wonderful opportunities for volunteers to help us in caring for our animals. If you are interested in volunteering please visit our volunteer page.
Visits to the Animal Therapy Zone by the general public can also be arranged outside of programming times during the weekdays. Visits are $10 per child and we request a minimum of 8 children per visit. To book a visit please email Adventures@windreach.bm or call 238 2469 Ext. 6 or visit our Environmental Education Programme page.