As the world digests the tragic loss of Kate Spade, WindReach pays tribute to and thanks this wonderful person for so many important things. As a mother, wife, sister, friend, business woman, iconic designer and so much more, thank you for showing us the magnificent accomplishments that can be achieved when living with a mental health diagnosis.
Reflecting on the positive impact Ms. Spade had on so many individuals, most of whom I don’t believe she ever met, we can also thank her for providing us all with a swift kick to remind us that life is worth celebrating. Shy of spouting a statistic of the number of individuals living with special needs, WindReach prefers to remind our community that all individuals have phenomenal abilities and a life worth celebrating. Perhaps the key component is affording ourselves the opportunity to be accompanied by others who will support us to move beyond the struggles of trying to survive. Everyone can thrive.
One of Ms. Spade’s calling cards was to wear her label on the outside. Thank you Ms. Spade for reminding the world that we should all be supported and embrace the opportunity to wear our label where it feels right to us. Let’s empower all abilities because each person is in control of their own label. We all have the ability to support each and every person, especially those who live their lives courageously as they colour outside of the lines. Be encouraged and encourage everyone you meet. We all have someone in our life that is living with a special need. It is our responsibility to embrace and support them, the best we can, to encourage quality of a life worth living.
Through our therapeutic and recreational programmes WindReach proudly supports over 200 people each week to live a quality life with meaning and fulfilment. Special needs includes mental and physical health, learning differences and individuals with profound needs. No person is defined through a medical diagnosis. Acknowledging and embracing who we are sets the stage for a quality life. Let’s celebrate all abilities together.
Chrissie Kempe
Executive Director